Seeking experts to assist in developing a Strategic and Operating plan for the Australian Agricultural Sustainability Framework

Seeking experts to assist in developing a Strategic and Operating plan for the Australian Agricultural Sustainability Framework

The Australian Agricultural Sustainability Framework sets out a consistent understanding of the sustainability objectives of the Australian agricultural industry through themes, principles and criteria designed under an environmental, social and governance (ESG) structure. The Framework has built strong stakeholder support throughout its last five years of development. Now, the AASF has reached a critical point and needs to.. Continue reading >

Global Forum on Farm Policy and Innovation | A values-based approach hitting the mark.

The Australian Farm Institute has joined with other leading independent agricultural organisations to form a collaborative initiative known as the Global Forum on Farm Policy and Innovation (GFFPI). These organisations are: Farm Foundation (US), Australian Farm Institute, Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute, and Forum for the Future of Agriculture (EU).The AASF is supporting a small number.. Continue reading >